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Mr. Chewy Review

 Mr. Chewy to the Rescue! With two kids, two dogs, two working parents, lots of activities and a home to juggle, I was happy to have the opportunity to review Mr. Chewy, an online pet store.

Even before ordering, I loved the fact that the company has a referral program that will donate $10.00 to a partner organization.

Petey and Marina both have health issues so I’m picky about the foods and treats I give them. Even if I wasn’t picky, Marina is picky enough for all of us.

I was happy to see that Mr. Chewy carries the brands we use – and even has treats that my local pet store doesn’t. I was given a promo good for $50 in merchandise and the products I selected totaled $49.94.  Orders over $49 include free shipping, which is a definite plus.

I placed the order on Wednesday March 21st at 12:29 in the morning (all that juggling makes me a bit of a night owl). I received my order confirmation at 12:33 a.m., and by 10:58 in the morning, I had a shipping confirmation for all items. I’m in California and my order arrived on Tuesday March 27th.

Everything ordered was neatly packaged in the box shown above.  True to their tagline, Mr chewy was responsible for delivering pet happiness in our home! If you’d like to experience the happiness – use promo code GARR2293 and receive 10% off your first order AND Mr. Chewy will donate $10. to one of their partner pet charities (you choose).

Disclosure: I received a promo code worth $50. in merchandise at This review is an unbiased account of my exerience in ordering from Mr. Chewy. I received no other compensation for this review and am not an affiliate of Mr. Chewy.








Detroit Dog Rescue

I grew up just north of Detroit and moved out of state in the mid eighties when automotive was just beginning to tank. In better days, I remember going to Detroit for Ethnic Festivals at Hart Plaza, the food in Greek Town, Tiger games, and the Joe Louis Arena to name a few.  I never imagined that it could get to where it is today – depressing beyond words.

With so many  people losing everything, the animal welfare is also at an all time low. I want to share a video and link to a  Rolling Stone story about Detroit Dog Rescue – DDR.  In the midst of so much chaos and ruin, it might be easy for some to look away from the dead and dying dogs in Detroit. Daniel “Hush” Carlisle is not one to look away, he’s stepped up to the plate in a big way, and I’m hoping he can lead us to Detroit’s biggest Dog Rescue Success story ever. It won’t be easy, but I believe we can help turn it around.

Please share these stories. The Animal Control system in Detroit is broken and the dogs of Detroit are paying for it with their lives. They need us now more than ever. Please help bring awareness to the problem as well as the organizations like Detroit Dog Rescue that are making a difference.

A Dog Rescue Success

I love this story. It’s such a testament to what love, kindness, and compassion can do. Such a heartwarming story. What could have been tragic, turned into an amazing success story. I’m sorry about the commercial, I’m not able to edit it out. It’s worth watching. Please share this.

Thanks to Erica Daniel from Dolly's Foundation for rescuing Harper and becoming his "forever home" and to Bev McCartt of Hip Dog Canine Hydrotherapy and Fitness for providing Harper's therapy. This story makes me smile. I would love to about hear YOUR happy rescue tails!

You can read the the entire the entire story here.

A Picture of Health

A Happy Bandit

I’d like to thank our reader Ann for sharing Bandit’s journey.

When your companion is diagnosed with a serious illness, it throws you into a seemingly endless roller coaster of emotions and decisions. It’s a gut-wrenching time and only those who have gone through it can truly understand it’s depth.

I would like to thank everyone that has shared their story and offered comfort to those who are in the midst of caring for a sick companion, or worse, dealing with their loss. I hope that you will continue to provide us with updates – sometimes that glimmer of hope is the only thing that gives a bit of relief.

Reader Ann posted last year shortly after Bandit was diagnosed with Evans. Thankfully, Bandit responded well to her initial treatment and continued to progress to the point that she was taken off all medications four months later. On February 27th, it will be a year from the original diagnosis.

It’s import to be reminded that there are success stories,  even with some of the more serious illnesses. It’s a brutally difficult experience to endure, and I hope that this site can offer some level of comfort and support during a difficult time – and see you through to a happy ending.


The Petey Chronicles II

Petey and Marina first day together

Emaciated and near death, Petey was rescued by an L.A. county officer who just happened to spot him and another dog in a backyard. When they were rescued, they were so emaciated that they had to be carried out, and it wasn’t certain if they would make it. Unfortunately, Petey’s sister did not survive.

From Bad to Worse

Petey became “evidence” in an animal cruelty case and was kenneled for six months. He had been used as bait in dog fighting ring – once the case ended and he was no longer “needed” he was scheduled for euthanization! What a horrific “remedy” for an already cruel and sad life Petey had to endure.

The Challenge

This is where dog rescue organizations become the heroes and advocates for those without a voice. When the officer that rescued Petey heard that he was going to be euthanized, she reached out to Forte Animal Rescue founder Marie Atake. Marie then rescued Petey and he was placed in a foster home until he could be adopted. In a perfect world, Petey’s horrific story would melt hearts at the dog adoption events he attended and he would find his “Forever Home” almost immediately. The sad reality is that older dogs are often seen as less desirable than puppies. I’ve had both in my life, and can tell you that while puppies are quite adorable, the effort required in those first few years can be ten-fold!

The Happy Ending

When I saw Petey online, he’d been available for adoption for almost a year. By then, he was five years old which is considered “mature.” I knew the moment I saw him that I’d be filling out an application for his adoption. After everything he’d been through, he was still so good natured that I really wanted to give him the opportunity to have a happy life.

There isn’t a day that goes by where I am not grateful for all of the wonderful people that worked together to rescue Petey – who has now been with us for six years. It was because of all of them, that he became a member of our family and found his “Forever Home”.

Dog Shampoo Review

Petey Likes EO for Dogs!

Over the years my hubby and I have assumed certain responsibilities for Petey and Marina. Meds and feeding are a joint effort, he gives the liquid medicine, I dispense the pills, I take them to the vet, he gets to give the bath, I dry.

We recently had the opportunity to review EO for Dogs Lavender and Aloe Natural Dog Shampoo and Lavender and Aloe Natural Dog Conditioner and the Citrus and Mint Natural Groomer. I’d heard about EO for the first time on the BlogPaws community and was enticed by the fact that they are a family owned and operated, Certified Organic Manufacturer.

Petey has a few nicknames, one of them being “Stinky Pete”. He likes to roll around indoors and out and it’s generally not in a bed of roses. He’s a medium-haired mixed breed guy with a tendency towards oily fur. Marina has enough thick fur for at least five other dogs. She is always in “shed” mode. We can vacuum daily and still accumulate those dreaded fur tumbleweeds.

Petey was first to get a bath. His last one was about two weeks ago and his fur was already dull and oily. As usual, he was an unwilling participant and has learned to spread-eagle himself as my husband carries his fifty-two pound body down the hall and into the shower.

The shampoo lathered very well and smelled great. When it came time to rinse, it easily washed away, taking Petey’s muddy water with it. The conditioner was much thicker than any we have used in the past, it was almost like a cream. It took a little longer and a little larger quantity to work it into his fur, but the end result was a very silky feeling coat that smelled great. With Petey, I’ll be doing a sniff test throughout the week – and hoping he doesn’t find anything too interesting to roll in, in the meantime. I’ll report back on that one. When the”freshness” of the shampoo wears off, we’ll be testing the Natural Groomer product designed to Freshen and detangle.

Marina’s experience was the same. Since her coat is much thicker than Petey’s it took a little bit longer to get through the conditioning part of her bath. Same end result – a silky clean smelling coat. Thankfully, she has a tendency to stay clean longer and has never had an overpowering dog smell.

Thanks to EO Dog Shampoo, we're fresh and clean!

Aside from being a natural and organic product, I was impressed with the fact that this is a company that also believes in giving back to the community, something that we value.

I will be announcing a give-away this week and EO will be providing the product .  Stay tuned!

*EO Products has provided the dog shampoo, conditioner and groomer product at no cost for this review.  I have received no other compensation for this review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are intended to introduce our readers to quality products that have been tested and reviewed.


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