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Please Help Bloggers Unite For Dog Rescue

Bloggers Unite for Dog Rescue


How you can help today

Please help us publicize Bloggers Unite for Dog Rescue, a special online global event held on July 23, 2012 stressing the importance of dog adoption. Dog Rescue Success  is proud to partner with Blog Catalog, and YOU to harness a global online community to help save the lives of dogs in need.

1.) Grab a badge from the sidebar.
Paste the code from Dog Rescue Success‘s sidebar to your blog’s sidebar. This lets folks know you’re taking part and how they can too. Copy any of the event images too!

2.) Tell others!
Post this to Facebook and Twitter:

SPREAD THE WORD – BLOGGERS UNITE FOR DOG RESCUE – Promote dog adoption on July 23rd! #BloggersUniteforDogRescue>

ON JULY 23rd:

Post your Blog Entry


  • Blogging about a Dog Rescue related topic on July 23rd, 2012
  • Adopting a companion:
  • Donating to a local dog rescue organization
  • Fostering a dog
  • Volunteering at a local shelter or rescue organization
  • Sharing this post across all forms of social media and encourage others to participate!


  • Millions of dogs are euthanized each year because not enough people are adopting dogs through local rescue groups and shelters.  Instead, many people purchase from pet stores not knowing that most come from puppy mills – read more at:  Additionally, many people underestimate the the time and dedication it takes to become a responsible pet owner, and surrender their dogs, or worse.
  • Local dog rescue organizations consist of volunteers who help by fostering dogs in their own homes while they search for permanent placement, taking dogs to adoption events, fundraising to cover medical and boarding costs to name a few.  Most rescue groups do not have the luxury of employees or people dedicated to promoting their efforts on a large scale. This is where Bloggers can give these unsung heroes and homeless dogs a voice.
  • As their own resources permit, these groups work with local animal shelters in an effort to place adoptable dogs that are scheduled for euthanization. The sad fact is that many dogs die every day before they find a “forever home”. The commercials you see on television about neglect and abuse are very real. Consumers can literally save a dog’s life simply by choosing adoption over a pet store or breeder purchase.
  • Per the HSUS, “Nationwide, only about 20 percent of dogs in homes come from shelters—the rest come from other sources. It would only take a relatively small increase in the adoption rate along with a modest reduction in the birth rate to go a long way toward solving the problem of euthanizing healthy and treatable dogs in many communities.”  We all have the ability to make a difference in the world by taking action. Bloggers Unite for Dog Rescue participants have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of dogs in need.


Learn more about puppy mills:

Need help for your rescue group?:

Deaf Dog Rescources:

Dog Trainers:

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